Chasing wild: An introduction

We’re stoked to present Chasing Wild—our newest adventure into the unknown. We are tired of seeing overgeneralized stock images of people hiking in the hills with beaming smiles on their faces and no sweat on their brows. We are sick of seeing gear being photographed in falsified settings looking pristine and unused. 

Chasing Wild is our attempt to flip current outdoor marketing photography on it’s side—to capture rad content in real locations. Nothing staged, nothing forced. We are taking brands into the wild and showcasing products like they’re made to be used. Our photos are raw, unrehearsed and genuine. We photograph products getting dirty in the river, being broken-in as they’re tossed in the truck, and glowing as they sit next to the campfire. We find authenticity—a way to preserve the feeling of a day in the outdoors.

Ryan Lee

Creative Director / Photographer
